Learn to Use the COPM

The COPM is a semi-structured interview that enables an open dialogue between client and therapist on issues of importance to the client. Administering the COPM draws on the therapist’s expertise and experience in occupation-based, client-centred practice.

As with any measurement tool, it is important that the therapist has the specific training necessary to administer the COPM in a reliable and valid manner. Learning resources are available to assist in this process. The steps to administer the COPM are described here.

There are numerous examples of the COPM in use around the internet. Unfortunately, many of these are poor examples and none are endorsed by the authors of the COPM. Only the examples that appear on this site are endorsed by the COPM authors.


Over 700 articles have been written about the COPM. The reference list includes examples of clinical use of the measure and research with many different types of clients. View Full References List

The COPM Learning Module

A comprehensive online course designed for new users of the COPM as well as those who wish to refresh their knowledge.

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