Learning Module Help

Below are step-by-step instructions if you're having trouble subscribing to any of our Learning Module plans. Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

  1. Select a subscription option

    Choose from the options available. Let us know if you have any questions about each plan.

    Faculty and Organization subscribers will be sent an email within one business day containing a coupon code along with instructions for users. The coupon code is valid for one year from the redemption date. If the Faculty or Organization subscription is renewed, a new coupon code will be sent.

  2. Enter your contact details

    We need to collect your address for remitting taxes for Canadian customers only. Don’t worry, your data is safe with us and we’ll never spam you or give your information to anyone else.

  3. Choose a password and enter your payment info

    Choose a password that's at least 6 characters long and be sure to enter your information accurately. Important: if you've already purchased a translation from us, sign in to your account before purchasing.

    If you're signing up as part of a Faculty or Organization plan, enter your coupon code. Once applied, the credit card fields will disappear. Otherwise, enter your credit card information.

  4. Order complete!

    Click or tap the 'X' to close the overlay (or tap return to site if you're on a mobile device). You should get re-directed to our Thank You page and receive a welcome email and your invoice immediately.

Please note: this site supports modern browsers only: Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 33+, Chrome 31+, Safari 7+ and Opera 26+. If you aren't running a current version, please upgrade your browser. Please contact us should you have any questions. For Canadian customers, prices include GST/HST. GST/HST Number 82734 9630 RT0001